
Thursday, October 26, 2017 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM EDT
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Larry Batten
on behalf of SBA & WV's SCORE Chapters

Unleash the "MIND"of Performance



How much are performance issues costing you? Despite extensive integration of technology into our business lives, statistics suggest that our performance numbers continue to be very low. We struggle with issues related to quality workforce, communication, adaptability, and simply bringing more ease into our business operations. Join us to explore how insights from brain science can help understand the pitfalls of managing performance.






Lisa Sherrill, M.A. is a senior business consultant specializing in human behavior in the workplace. With over seven years of professional experience examining the human mind and behavior at work, she has a proven track record providing facilitation, coaching, training and consulting services that help leaders and business owners realize more of their business potential.


Lisa holds a Masters in Psychology and certifications in PROSCI© Change Management, Conflict Management, Business Management, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Brain-Based Leadership Coaching. She is also pursuing her PhD studying the human mind at work. To learn more, visit her website:www.EmbodiChange.com.