
Thursday, February 1, 2018

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm, EST

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Pain-Free Presentations: Don't Bore Your Audience to Tears (02/01/18) 

You’ve been asked (or maybe you actually volunteered) to do an in-person presentation. Now what? You’ve survived your own share of horrendous presentations, and you don’t want to inflict one on anyone else. How do you prepare? How do you keep people interested so they don’t spend the whole time on Facebook? How can you make a Powerpoint that actually helps and doesn't just contain a bunch of bullet points? The questions can be overwhelming and the challenges numerous. 


Find out what works and what doesn’t, and how to keep your audience engaged. Learn how to avoid the common mistakes that newbie presenters make while discovering what it takes to get asked to do it again–you can make your first (or next) presentation ROCK!

Virtual Trainer: Laura Solomon

Laura Solomon, MCIW, MLS is the Library Services Manager for the Ohio Public Library Information Network and the former Web Applications Manager for the Cleveland Public Library. She has been doing web development and design for over fifteen years, in both public libraries and as an independent consultant. She also authored a statewide web site usability study in 2004 that evaluated the site of every public library in Ohio. She specializes in developing with Drupal, as well as in web code and accessibility standards. She is a 2010 Library Journal Mover & Shaker.  Her book Doing Social Media So It Matters:  A Librarian’s Guide was published in late 2010 and The Librarian’s Nitty-Gritty Guide to Social Media was published in 2013.  As a former children’s librarian, she enjoys bringing the “fun of technology” to audiences and in giving libraries the tools they need to better serve the virtual customer.

This is an online class. Access information will be emailed one week ahead.

Cost: NEFLIN classes are free of charge for Florida library staff. Registration is required for all classes and NEFLIN members get priority.