
Monday, January 8, 2018 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM CST
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St. Kate's
2004 Randolph Ave
Mendel Hall - Room 110
St. Paul, MN 55105

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SCORE - St. Paul Chapter


SCORE Entrepreneurial Inventory Assessment (EIA)
Monday January 8, 2018 

The eCF EntrepreneurIndex, Score's ENTREPRENEURIAL INVENTORY ASSESSMENT (EIA) is a self administered set of twelve question areas designed to evaluate the core traits that underlie success or failure in a small business or self-employment role. The EntrepreneurIndex, EIA is a questionnaire that when processed, provides comparative scores as well as a narrative interpretation to help you better appreciate and understand what your scores mean for you; both as strengths and challenges. 

Based on the following 12 behavioral traits, the EntrepreneurIndex or EIA, interprets your scores and analyzes your results based on thousands of people who have started their own businesses or pursued self-employment. You can benefit from their accumulated knowledge by using your personalized EntrepreneurIndex (EIA) Report to help decide if this is the right life choice.   If you pursue this career path, the EntrepreneurIndex EIA is designed to help you understand which factors may predict success, and which factors might indicate personal challenges that should be addressed in your new venture. 

Behavioral Traits Measured in the eCF EntrepreneurIndex: 

Optimism, Emotional Resilience, Self-Determination, Social Networking, Self-Promotion, Competitiveness, Goal Setting, Work Drive, Tolerance for Financial Insecurity, Adaptability, Autonomy, and Persistence.

Before you make a life changing decision to pass on the next great job offer and potentially put your financial stability at risk, take the eCF EntrepreneurIndex EIA to determine your Predicted Potential Satisfaction and Predicted Potential for Success for being self-employed or starting your own business.  Most SCORE clients value the EIA personality insights.

Register NOW and complete the following:

1.    Get your Assessment Key.
2.    Take the Entrepreneurial Index Assessment.
3.    Mark your Calendar: Monday January 8th, 2018
4.    Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM.
5.    Where: St. Kate's University. 
6.    Attend the Seminar.

This seminar is being presented by Ron Campbell, St. Paul SCORE and Earl Hendricks, Minneapolis SCORE.

Bring your personal Entrepreneur Index Results Report with you to the workshop.

Become certified to recommend and use one of SCORE’s greatest tools.

This workshop is for SCORE members only and is limited seating.