
Thursday, June 14, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM BST
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Hawkcombe Woods car park (SS861460) 
A39 West of Porlock
Porlock Hill
United Kingdom



Exmoor National Park Authority 
Exmoor National Park Authority 
07970 099127 

Discover Exmoor's Trees in Leaf and Flower 

Join the Exmoor National Park Authority’s Woodlands Team in Hawkcombe Woods to learn about the principles of broadleaf tree identification in summer and put them into practice in one of Exmoor’s special woodlands.

Please bring a packed lunch, sturdy footwear and waterproofs. 

Booking essential as places are limited.

Cost £5 per person - which contributes to the CareMoor for Exmoor scheme, supporting heritage, nature and access projects on Exmoor.

Discounts available for registered Exmoor National Park volunteers