Microsoft Schaumburg J-106 Woodfield Mall - Schaumberg, IL 60173  

Friday, February 23, 2018 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

No Fee Seminar

Email Marketing: Practical Training & Tutorial for Beginner and Intermediate

Are you new to email marketing? Whether you want help creating your first email campaign or are looking for tips on what makes a great newsletter, this class provides the resources you need.

We discuss the following key aspects of setting up a professional email marketing campaign, including life demonstration on a large screen:
- Adding logo, image, video and links to your email
- Changing colors & fonts
- Incorporating social media links and icons
- Mailing list management and "how-to-grow-the-list" tools
- Best practices for scheduling your email
- Open rate, click-through-rate and other useful statistics analysis.
Attendees leave the session armed with all the tools they need to send their first professional email marketing campaign.

Presenter: Norbert Barszczewski is President and Founder of JP NetQuest, Inc. His area of expertise includes web development and online marketing (email, social media, PPC, SEO). He holds a graduate degree from Florida State University, where he was a Certified Webmaster. He is President of the Chicago Business Club, a business networking organization.  


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