
Thursday, January 25, 2018 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST
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1017 12th Ave West
Bradenton, FL 34205

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The Village Mystic



Do you want to experience the healing power of Reiki? Reiki energy helps heal the body, mind and emotions leaving you feeling relaxed, de-stressed and refreshed!

This circle is a gift to our community ..... All experienced healers are welcome to come and share their healing gifts ... all those in need of healing are welcome

In many traditions, the circle is a sacred symbol of Wholeness.  A Reiki Healing Circle is a space where universal and sacred energies combine to bring healing to levels of emotional, physical, and spiritual being.  Energy is often more successful when it is amplified by a group of like~minded people.  

The Village Mystic will be holding a Reiki Circle for the purpose of energetic healers to come together and bring healing and harmony to the community and to each other.  In this circle we will send healings to each other as well as those at a distance.  

Network with others in the area in an environment that is fun, safe, and uplifting, or just come to watch and learn about this powerful healing modality.

Those who cannot attend are welcome to submit names of friends and or loved ones ( and pets ) who would benefit.  


This Circle will be lead by Shaman Jeff Wheeler, Reiki Master, Tibetan Reiki Master


Suggested Love Offering $5