
Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 9:00 am to 4:30pm


Friday, June 15, 2018 at 9:00am to 4:30pm
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Baltimore, MD 21230

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CMRO -HRST 2-day Training for Nurses - June 14 and 15, 2018 

The HEALTH RISK SCREENING TOOL (HRST) is used to detect health risks and destabilization EARLY. The HRST assigns scores to health and behaviorally related rating items. The total points result in a Health Care Level with an associated degree of health risk. 

The training is for RNs who have completed the online HRST Rater training and are working in Residential Habilitation, Day Habilitation, Personal Supports and/or with individuals in Self-Directed services.  It is an advanced training similar to the the training held back in February 2018.
Day 1 of this advanced training allows participants to understand the HRST better, and to help them use it more effectively. Day 2 prepares Registered Nurses to be Certified Clinical Reviewers.

RNs are required to take the training both days. 

This Clinical Review training is open to all RNs that have completed the HRST Rater training and who work in Residential Habilitation, Day Habilitation, or with individuals in Personal Supports and Self- Directed Services.