
Thursday, May 10, 2018

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM, EDT

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Your Digital Life: establishing and maintaining your online identity: Webinar (05/10/18)

Digital life can be defined as "A personal, professional, financial, and social inhabitation of the digital world via investments of time, talent and money." Join us for an exploration of this topic, which will include issues of digital privacy, online reputation management, personal branding, and online identity. Kimberley will also provide practical steps for creating a healthy online identity that reflects your authentic self, as well as share tips for helping others with their online identity. 

This webinar can be especially valuable for those seeking to promote within their current organization or move on to other opportunities. 

Virtual Trainer: Kimberley R. Barker, University of Virginia

Kimberley R. Barker holds an MLIS from the University of South Carolina, and is the Librarian for Digital Life at the University of Virginia's Claude Moore Health Sciences Library. She is also the creator of the MOOC, "Introduction to Personal Branding", and a consultant on issues of reputation management and online identity. She believes that technology empowers people, allowing them to make better decisions and enrich their personal and professional lives. Kimberley also believes that, with the proper support and resources, anyone can learn anything- and that everybody deserves the chance to do so. She is also a Hobbit, an introvert, and would fight you for the last cup of tea (Irish Breakfast, hot).

This is an online class. Access information will be emailed one week ahead.

Cost: NEFLIN classes are free of charge for Florida library staff. Registration is required for all classes and NEFLIN members get priority.