
Thursday, April 12, 2018 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EDT
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Philadelphia City Institute Library 
1905 Locust St
On Rittenhouse Square
Community Room (downstairs with no elevator)
Philadelphia, PA 19103

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Friends in the City 
Friends in the City 

Kabul Then and Now 

Ibrahim  Parvanta grew up in Kabul, when the city was peaceful and he ran and played games like any boy would. But now it is different.

He will share his childhood memories with us, tell us what Kabul is like now, and answer your questions about Afghanistan, its politics and its current life.

Coming to the US in January, 1978, to attend graduate school, 4 months after his arrival he had to request political asylum because a communist government had been established. Soviets then  invaded  Afghanistan in 1979.

Since  2002 he has returned to Kabul many times as a technical consultant in public health nutrition.

Join us to learn about Kabul then--and Kabul now.
Click Here for Registration Form  Questions? Ask Mignon Adams, FitC member, mignon.adams@gmail.com