
Friday, May 18, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM EDT
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Entrepreneurial Collaborative Center 
2101 E Palm Ave
Tampa, FL 33605

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Kit Werremeyer 
SCORE Tampa Chapter 203 

Marketing Workshop Friday May 18 

It’s almost “Half-Time” 2018 – What’s your ‘Sales Score?’
Are you breaking records – or is your lack of results sounding like a ‘broken record?’
Are you using the same old plays in marketing to a world with new (and ever changing) rules?
Perhaps, it’s time for a review and a 3rd qtr. reboot –
And a new perspective about your marketing plan:
Seeing your business from your customer’s point of view?    
That's the focus of our May SCORE Workshop 
This highly interactive and engaging presentation will give you the tools – 
and ‘ah-ha’ moments to help create a new game plan and end 2018 with a winning season.
You’ll learn:
1.  Why is your “Why?” important – but does your prospect really care?
2.  That reversing the traditional sales funnel will determine your best “Who.”
3.  To create 5 – 12 customer touch points (“Where and When”) to maximize your message
Your facilitator: Sheila Neisler, owner of Catalyst – A Marketing Company.   
For more than 15 years, Sheila has been helping small and middle market organizations achieve double digit results by creating and executing a 360° Marketing Plan. Her philosophy: “it’s not about spending more money; it’s about spending it more effectively.”
Catalyst is an evolution of "preaching what Sheila practiced." With an AA degree from USF and a BS in Finance from FSU, she took her experience as a corporate financial analyst into the entrepreneurial world, starting a corporate gift basket company in Charleston, SC. She was later recruited by a number of national trade associations to lead marketing presentations. As she expanded to North Carolina, clients and business leaders encouraged her to jump into marketing full time, valuing “her brains more than her baskets."
Sheila recently relocated to Tampa Bay and serves clients in the service, manufacturing and not-for-profit sectors.  Her work process melds bottom-line banking experience with a top-line sales and marketing passion to drive results.