
Friday, September 28, 2018 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM EDT
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$30 Online Registration, $50 At the door
Cash or Check only accepted at the door


Evie Hernandez

Evie is an Authorized Local Expert for Constant Contact and known as “The Email Marketing Queen”. She has experience in marketing, training, speaking, small business consulting and business development. She is passionate about helping small businesses develop a stronger online brand presence so they can Attract, Capture and Retain Affluent Clients.  Evie’s mission is to help small to mid-sized businesses create an online brand presence that generates leads. She developed The XoomIMSMarketing Lead Generation System by combining her over 20 years of corporate Sales and Marketing experience to execute an integrated marketing solution that helps small businesses Get Found, Get Leads, Get results!™


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Suite 115
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Larry Ornstein 
Palm Beach SCORE 
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Strategic Marketing Methods Certificate Program - Workshop 4: The Power Of The Inbox


What is the first impression you give customers when they see you in their email box?  And when they see you there, what do they do? Some people think EMAIL Marketing is DEAD!!!  But that is far from true. 

"Email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter" - according to research by McKinsey. 

Evie Hernandez - The Email Marketing Queen is the Local Area Expert for Constant Contact will share tips and tricks to help your business "Attract, Capture and Retain" loyal clients with digital Marketing.

5 Easy Steps you must take to harness the "Power of the Inbox"!

1.  Grow a "large" email contact list of quality and qualified clients

2. Create "Subject Lines, Headlines, and Valuable Content". 

3. Create a branded, mobile friendly email.

4.  Increase your ROI with greater email open and click-through rates.

5.  Trace your RESULTS and see for yourself!


$30 Online Registration , $50 At the Door

Cash or Check only accepted at the door

-Limited to 18 Seats!-

Register Here!