
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM CDT
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NPA:Building Resilience: Developing Skills for Life’s Challenges 

Despite our best efforts life can sometimes take us by surprise. Whether you are faced with disappointments and challenges at work, in your personal life, or in a job search how you handle them can make a difference in your mood and outlook. Join us for an overview of how resilience can strengthen your resolve for the tough times. Strategies for developing resilience, effectively managing stress and enhancing wellness will be shared.

Online registration is available until: 7/10/2018 
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Despite our best efforts life can sometimes take us by surprise. Whether you are faced with disappointments and challenges at work, in your personal life, or in a job search how you handle them can make a difference in your mood and outlook. Join us for an overview of how resilience can strengthen your resolve for the tough times. Strategies for developing resilience, effectively managing stress and enhancing wellness will be shared.


Denise E. Saunders, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Chapel Hill, NC where she provides career development, consultation and counseling services to her clientele. In addition to private practice, she serves as a career counselor at the National Institutes of Health, providing career and professional development services to scientists in training. She has worked in higher education, independent practice, for-profit business and government. She received her Master of Science in counseling and her doctorate in counseling psychology from Florida State University.