Bizniversity™ Preview Session Online

Attention Business Owners, Entrepreneurs





DIY – Do It Yourself Business Owners


Are you a business owner who works by yourself, handling every aspect of your company - marketing, sales, customer service?

Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed and frustrated when it comes to your marketing?

You need to grow your customer list because you know that is the way to grow your business, but it’s difficult for you because you never seem to have time to do it all on your own.

Do you want to learn how to grow your business more easily and efficiently?

Do you want to create a Systematic Approach to growing your business online? 

Are you serious about growing a profitable business?

Now by simply clicking the button below and enrolling in the Bizniversity School of Email Marketing you can create and leverage your very own automatic marketing system, designed by you, for you.

Remember if you don’t have time to attend another live event because it takes you away from working on your business, this course is perfect for you.

This course saves you time and money because you learn at your own pace, in your own time.

You can learn from the comfort of your home or office.

You can log on at five in the morning before work or at 5 p.m. after your normal working hours.

The course is more than “YouTube” or book theory, it is practical.

We will teach you using a hands-on approach to grow your business. Step by step, when you complete the assignments that are actual marketing campaigns, you will implement everything you are learning while watching the videos on demand, or immediately after you finish watching a class.

For example, let’s say you need to learn how to create a Pop-Up Lead Generation form for a promo that you are doing for a holiday. Through our classes, you can quickly learn how to create a pop up, how to write content that captures attention and how to write calls to action that sell themselves.

All by watching the video classes on demand!

Let’s say you need to learn how to add graphics while creating an email marketing campaign or a lead capture page for your website, there is a class for that.

In the Simple Graphic Design class, you will learn how to create simple graphics without using professional graphic design software.

Let’s say you want to create more attractive and compelling call to action buttons, you will learn how to do that as well.

If you are on your own and you are new to marketing online, this class will empower you to create your own digital marketing campaigns in a matter of just a few hours without the use of expensive marketing software.

It does not matter if you are just beginning to launch your company or if your company has been around for over 30 years.

Imagine now growing your business without having to invest too much of your time, energy and effort.

By enrolling and attending you will see how each class builds one upon the last.

By following our simple step-by-step method, you will grow your business at your own pace.

Now finally you will learn to confidently manage and control all your digital marketing campaigns. Grow your company by applying our proven system and experience the results you always wanted.

Take advantage of our special Labor Day Sale NOW to begin transforming your business marketing from dull and boring to captivating and exciting by enrolling today in the Bizniversity™ School of Email Marketing.



Friday, August 31, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM EDT
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Evie Hernandez


Evie Hernandez is known as The SMarketing Queen™ because she effectively Integrates Sales with Marketing to get measurable results. She teaches business owners how to generate client leads with the XoomIM Inbound SMarketing System at Colleges, Chambers of Commerce, SCORE Chapters, Associations and companies. Evie is the Chief Marketing Officer of XoomIM, LLC, the founder of HispanaPreneur™, a sales and marketing professor at Broward College and Bizniversity™, a speaker for SCORE and the Author of the upcoming book, “Secrets to Attract, Capture and Retain Affluent Loyal Clients”

XoomIM Inbound SMarketing 

