
Saturday, November 17, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM CST
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Shepherd's Center Central - locations vary



Rachel Ohlhausen
Shepherd's Center Central

816-444-1121 ext.105

KC Rakes! 2018 - NOVEMBER 17, 2018
This year, we are postponing the event to Saturday, November 17th in order to allow the leaves to fall. Roll up your sleeves, grab a rake, gather some of your favorite people, and have a great time while making a difference in the lives of older adults in KC. Shepherd’s Center Central will partner with businesses, families, churches, schools, civic groups and individuals to rake yards for older adults who are no longer physically able to rake and can’t afford to hire help. Our goal this year is to help 30+ homeowners. 

Volunteer rake teams are needed!
We know there are many willing hands in Kansas City to make this happen, and are asking volunteers like you for support.
Teams of 4-20 volunteers are assigned a yard (or yards). Raking generally takes 2-3 hours per team. Sign up your team by Friday, November 9th. 

Please assign a team leader to register everyone on your team.  
Team leads are responsible for getting all waivers signed and picking up supplies on the day-of raking. If a participant is 18 years or younger, a parent or guardian must sign the waiver.