
January 29-March 13, 2019

This is an asynchronous course, log in at your convenience.  Weekly assignments due on Tuesdays.

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This is an online course.  Participate at a time that's convenient to you!


Kristy Schroeder
(262) 787-9500 x9539

Designing for ALL Learners:
The Why, What and How of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

All learners have different strengths, challenges, aptitudes, interests, talents and aspirations.  Variability is the norm! This six week, completely online opportunity will provide an introduction to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework which minimizes barriers, maximizes learning, and helps all learners meet high standards.

This course is designed for ALL educators and administrators. Throughout the course, participants will have the opportunity to consider the UDL framework through their own lens, role, and context as a personal implementation action plan is created.

- CESA #1 Districts - $350/person
- CESA #1 Independent Public Charter schools - $25/person*
CESA #1 Independent Charter 
Schools will be invoiced; please do not submit payment.

Two credits are available from Viterbo University for additional costs.  If you are interested in Viterbo credits, please contact Kristy Schroeder for more information.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): CESA #1 will provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities attending our workshops or events. If you require accommodations, please contact the workshop coordinator for that event.

*Registration fees will be waived for those Independent Charter School participants (only) who complete ALL course expectations.