
Keynote: Thursday, Nov 22, 2018 11:30 am to 1:00 pm 

Workshop: Friday, Nov 23, 2018 9:30 am to 3:30 pm 


Westshore Parks & Recreation 
1767 Island Highway
FIELDHOUSE building, located in lower lot
Overlooking golf course, across fr QCentre Arena
Colwood, BC V9B 1J1

Driving Directions 


Deb Alcadinho, Founder & CEO 
Westshore Women's Business Network 

 Make 2019 the best!  
Think big. Plan big and make it your best year ever!

November is the best time to plan for the upcoming year. Join Deb Alcadinho, founder of WWBN and small business consultant, for an engaging keynote to help you plan for your most amazing year in biz. Deb will focus on 4 things to set you up for success. 
Mindset. Time Management. Planning. Money. 

In the Thursday keynote Deb will give you essentials. In the Friday workshop the following day, you'll be going in depth and get all the templates and forms Deb uses in her business. Learn how to:
  • Plan your calendars (like you've never seen it before) and learn how to manage your time, so you can be strategic, making the most of the time you have.
  • Get comfortable with your money - track it, keep it and know it inside and out. Don't give away the power. 
  • Set realistic goals, assign projects and action plans to attain them. Goals are great but if you don't have metrics in place to achieve your goals you won't see the success you dream of. 
  • Improve your mindset so you don't get in your own way. 
This keynote and workshop are dedicated to YOU and the success of your business. 
So step away from the busyness of working IN your business and set time aside 
to work ON your business. 

ABOUT: Deb Alcadinho is a marketing maven, brand consultant and business advisor. With 40+ years experience (yup she started at age 10) in entrepreneurship, marketing and branding, she is regarded as a leader. A serial entrepreneur with a history of seven businesses and a decade in multi-million dollar media sales, she has a strong history in marketing, branding and business development.
After growing the brands of local and national brands through effective marketing campaigns for more than a decade, together with her immense business knowledge, Deb founded Your Brand Power in 2015. Deb works directly with business women to grow and develop exceptional branding, marketing and kick-ass profitable businesses.
Deb founded Westshore Women's Business Network (WWBN) in 2010 to provide a platform for business women to connect and grow their networks, learn through professional development, and expand their business. Today WWBN serves women from Southern Vancouver Island and through an online community.
BOOK A DISPLAY TABLE: Showcase your business to a room full of business women and get 2 minutes in the spotlight to tell us about your product and business!  Add fee to your registration form.

WE SELL 50/50 TICKETS FOR CHARITY.  All proceeds support our charity

BECOME A MEMBER: Learn more about becoming a WWBN member to get exclusive member-only benefits, discounts and perks. www.wwbnvictoria.com/register   

Westshore Women's Business Network (WWBN) is a dynamic networking group for business women and career professionals business women from Southern Vancouver Island. Our networking events involve introductions with like-minded business women; learning from our keynote speaker and a catered lunch Come for meaningful connections and strategic networking.  

$35 Members save $10 (enter MEMBER10 in promo code)  

$97 Members save $10 (enter MEMBER10 in promo code) 

Become a member and take advantage of exclusive perks & benefits. For more info please visit www.wwbnvictoria.com/register