Language & Learning 2019                                 March 2 . UCLA 



Saturday March 2, 2019
8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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Carnesale Commons
251 Charles E. Young Drive West
Los Angeles, CA 90095 

Group Discount: To receive a 10%  discount, register with 5+ people. Contact Alison Kuperberg 917.312.8734 or 

Click here for printable brochure and registration form.

Registration Dates: Early-Bird ends  February 1. Registration closes February 27. Walk-in registration is $235.


Parking: Self-parking is available for $8 in the Sunset Village parking Structure, at the parking kiosk using credit card, cash or the Park Mobile App.

This program is offered for 0.60 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate level, Professional area).
Speaker disclosures: Click here
Learning outcomes: Click here 


Consider Sponsoring  a Teacher!
Register your favorite teacher for the conference.

Marketing Opportunities: 
For more information, contact Alison: (917) 312-8734

Refund Policy: 
For a full refund less a $50 processing fee, cancel via email to address above on or before February 22nd. No refunds after this date.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Gold Sponsors

Lindamood BellSilver Sponsors




Dr. Anita Archer serves as an educational consultant to state departments, county agencies, and school districts on explicit instruction and literacy instruction. She has taught elementary and middle school students and is the recipient of ten Outstanding Educator awards. Dr. Archer has served on the faculties of San Diego State University, the University of Washington, and the University of Oregon.

Dr. Archer is internationally known for her presentations and publications on instructional procedures and literacy instruction and has co-authored numerous curriculum materials with Dr. Mary Gleason including the REWARDS reading and writing intervention programs (Voyager/Sopris). Dr. Archer wrote a textbook on explicit instruction with Dr. Charles Hughes entitled Explicit Instruction: Effective and Efficient Teaching (Guilford, 2011). She is providing training on Explicit Instruction in the United States, Canada, and Australia.


Setting the Stage for Accurate and Fluent Reading: Decoding Foundation Skills 
According to the Simple View of Reading, two abilities are necessary for reading comprehension: decoding, the ability to transfer print into spoken language, and language comprehension, the ability to understand spoken language.

In this keynote, Dr. Archer will focus on decoding and the following component skills: print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, irregular word reading, sight vocabulary, and fluency.


8:00 am  Registration/Exhibitor Area Open/Continental Breakfast

8:55 am  Welcome & Keynote Speaker, Dr. Anita Archer

10:50 am  Break/Exhibitor Area Open

11:10 am  Breakout Session 1 (1A), (1B), (1C)

12:35 pm  Lunch (provided)/Exhibitor Area Open

1:50 pm  Breakout Session 2 (2A), (2B), (2C)

3:15 pm  Break/Exhibitor Area Open

3:35 pm  Breakout Session 3 (3A), (3B), (3C)

5:00 pm  Conference Ends


(1A) Writing Foundations: Preparing Students to be Successful Writers
Anita L. Archer, Ph.D.
Writing is a complex skill dependent on underlying foundation skills including: legible and fluent handwriting, accurate and fluent spelling, and formation of complete sentences. In this session, Dr. Archer will model instructional procedures that can be easily implemented in the elementary grades.

(1B) Assistive Technology: What the Research Says About Which Technologies Support the Learner with Dyslexia
Nanci King Shepardson, M.S.Ed., Ed.S., W.D.P. - Senior Educational Technologist
What does the research say about technologies that truly support the struggling reader, comprehender, speller, and writer? Based on the research, what tools should we be investing our time, talent and resources into? While there may not be a lot of research behind individual products, there is well-done research that points out the best parts of technology to harness in order to facilitate positive student outcomes. Come learn about what to look for when choosing a tool and see some examples of what to use and not to use with students with dyslexia. Bringing your own device will enhance this workshop.

(1C) Structured Literacy in the Classroom: Purpose and Possibilities
Nancy Redding, M.Ed. in Special Education - Nancy Redding, M.Ed. in Special Education - Fellow in The Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioners and Educators, conducting OG teacher training throughtout the state 
“There is no point in describing the delights of reading to children if they are not provided with the means to get there.” Stanislas Dehaene
The efficacy of structured literacy for teaching students with dyslexia has strong research evidence. Increasingly, educators are advocating its use in both the regular classroom and for tiered intervention. This presentation will review current research on the signs/symptoms of reading difficulties in children, highlight the basic tenets of a structured literacy approach, and demonstrate strategies for incorporating structured literacy into classroom/small group instruction, including examples from CA schools responding to AB1369 (CA’s ‘dyslexia law’) and the CA Dyslexia Guidelines.


(2A) WORDS, WORDS, WORDS: Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
Anita L. Archer, Ph.D. 
Words are all we have ... for understanding new concepts, building background knowledge, expressing our ideas, and understanding narrative and informative texts. In this training, Dr. Archer will expand your knowledge regarding selecting vocabulary terms for explicit instruction and effectively teaching General Academic and Domain Specific vocabulary.

(2B) Supporting Neurodiverse Students in Math
Tricia Valli - Lower School Reading Teacher, Literacy Coach, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator at Westmark School
The presentation will focus on supporting neurodiverse students who struggle to understand math concepts. This includes a discussion of the neurodevelopmental demands placed on students and the developmental readiness necessary for foundational math concept formation. Additionally, the presentation will highlight targeted teaching strategies and accommodations to best provide intervention and support students diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalculia.

(2C) 10 Pearls of Executive Function for the Classroom
Matthew Fisher, M.S. - Director of the Summer Program, The Gow School, South Wales, NY
Executive function impacts our students both in the classroom and in daily life. In this session we will cover 10 techniques to help improve executive function in the classroom and help get our students back on track. We will cover topics from organization (both notes and paperwork), time management, and study tips. We will both cover techniques and see samples of what can be done to improve student outcomes.


(3A) What’s Language Got to Do with it?
Julia Yi, M.S., CCC-SLP - Founding SLP, Shining Stars Speech, Language, Literacy
Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability. But what exactly is language, and how does it impact literacy? The definition of “language” and its impact on literacy will be demystified. Ways to promote language and literacy skills with struggling readers and ideas on how to collaborate with speech and language pathologists in a team approach will also be discussed.

(3B) Study Skills: Strategies to Support Executive Function
Katie Chhu, M.Ed. - Admissions Counselor, Landmark School
This presentation provides educators with an understanding of the components of study skills, which include the management of materials, time, and information. We will explore the importance of developing strong study skills in order to achieve goals and overall academic proficiency, particularly for students with a language-based learning disability and executive function deficits. Finally, we will review a variety of practical instructional strategies to support students’ effective management of time, materials and information.

(3C) Experience DyslexiaŽ Simulation
Lainie Donnell, M.A., ET/P Educational Therapist; IDALA, Past President
Experience DyslexiaŽ is a hands-on workshop that lets participants experience some of the challenges and frustrations that people with dyslexia face each day. Learning stations simulate different language-related learning tasks encountered in the classroom or workplace. This thought-provoking experience is appropriate for teachers, parents, and anyone interested in better understanding the lives of individuals with dyslexia.