
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM EST
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Manatee Community Foundation
2820 Manatee Ave West
Bradenton, FL 34205

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Madison Larkin
Manatee Community Foundation

What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know about the U.S. Census

If you think the Census won't affect your community, consider that $29 billion in federal funds is distributed to our state based on census data.

More than one third (33.2%) of Florida’s general revenues come from federal aid ($25.5 billion). Without an accurate Census, Florida residents could be denied the full funding they deserve and need – and elected officials won’t be able to make informed decisions for your community for more than a decade on a range of issues.

More than $600 billion annually in federal assistance is distributed based on census data, yet historically, the census has missed disproportionate numbers of people of color, young children and the rural and urban poor, leading to inequality in political power and in access to public funding and private investment for these communities. Going into 2020, additional communities, including immigrants and refugees, unmarried women and the LGBTQ community are at risk of being missed.

Being hard-to-count can lead to unequal political representation and unequal access to vital public and private resources for these groups and their communities. 

Our state has so much at stake, and we need to ensure a fair and accurate census.

Join us for this FREE learning session
to ensure that populations served
by nonprofits you support are counted!

Florida Philanthropic Network
Florida Nonprofit Alliance
US Census Bureau