
Friday, July 19, 2019 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EDT
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Georgia Tech Student Center 
350 Ferst Dr NW
Atlanta, GA 30332

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Creative Community Services, Inc. 
Creative Community Services 

Practical Matters Reality Fair 2019 

Our event allows youth to connect with the real world in a hands on manner.  During the registration process the youth will be able to pick a career in which they are interested.  We then prepare their packet for them. 

Upon arrival at the event they receive their folder which contains their mock pay stub that reflects one month's salary for the career they picked.  Their marital status and how many children they  have are both randomly assigned.  The youth then completes an assignment to live life with their assigned family for one month.  They have to secure housing, transportation, day care, buy groceries, furniture, participate in entertainment and give to a charitable foundation. 

The challenge for the youth is to complete all of this in their monthly budget.  After the Reality fair the youth will have an opportunity to participate in a College and Career Fair to connect with educational institutes and Career Professionals to explore options for a brighter future. 


*Registering multiple youth? You need a unique email address for each participant. You can use your own or the foster parent's, or you can email us a list of your participants at mwesley@ccsgeorgia.org.
Be sure to list the first and last name, their shirt size, and their top 3 career choices.