Sponsored by the Center for Automotive Research at Stanford

Designing to the Limits: Algorithms for Peak Performance
with Mykel Kochenderfer, Assistant Professor, Stanford & Tim Wheeler, eVTOL software engineer
in conversation with Sebastian Thrun, Innovator, Entrepreneur, Educator and Computer Scientist

Whether designing aircraft or automated vehicles, the modern engineer has unprecedented computational power at their disposal. Engineering, however, remains a discipline beyond the number-crunching machine. How we specify the objective, how we frame the problem, and how we proceed to solve it has a huge impact on the design obtained. Quantitative methodologies exist to address various challenges such as accommodating multiple objectives, improving robustness to uncertainty, and applying optimization strategies across teams and organizations. Please join the founder of Google's self-driving car team and the authors of Algorithms for Optimization to learn how modern design approaches shape what move us.

August 6, 2019
Reception at 5:00 PM
Discussion begins at 6:00 PM

Stanford University
Automotive Innovation Facility
473 Oak Road
Stanford, CA 94305

Registration is required; seating is limited.
The event is free and open to the public.



Automotive Innovation Facility 
473 Oak Road
Stanford, CA 94305

Driving Directions 


Adele Tanaka 
Center for Automotive Research at Stanford