
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM MDT
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Advanced Health Clinic 
630 W. Shepard Lane
Farmington, UT 84025

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AHC Team 
Advanced Health Clinic 

Lessons on Making Your Dreams a Reality 

I am a strong believer in the change process. As a trauma therapist, I have seen individuals pull themselves from very difficult circumstances and rise above. How is this possible? I have seen individuals completely change their lives after a stuck behavior patterns. When we give up limiting beliefs, we allow ourselves to expand and to create change. We can do this with our health, mental health, relationships and yes even our finances. We have the ability to not only change our lives but those around us. Manifestation is a term that means that we have the ability to create change and invite new possibilities that we never thought possible!

1)     We first need to identify what it is that we want to change. We need to acknowledge that something isn’t working and put effort into creating change. Maybe it is a limiting belief that you don’t deserve good thing?. Or maybe there is an emotion holding you back. Fear can create uncertainty and doubt so learning acknowledge fear and choosing an action to face fear creates movement. As we do this we open our minds and hearts to solutions and we start to see shifts, in our body mind and spirit. It may not happen all at once but with time, practice and patience changes start to manifest.

2)     Create a vison for yourself: I love this part! It is one of the things I am most passionate about. When we have a clear direction and focus we can directly impact the direction of our lives. Getting intentional about what is important to us and creating a plan for accomplishing it gives us purpose and direction.


3)     Setting an intention everyday and focusing on what you want to bring in and create sets the tone for your day and brings in opportunities for growth. I set my intention and mantra and identify the feelings I want to create in my body and mind. This gives my brain a road map to come back to when life gets out of balance.


Come join me for a powerful workshop series that will teach you how to create change in your life! You deserve to move forward and create the changes that you are ready for. I will teach you how to move past stuck behavior patterns and how to create the change you are ready for. This process has been life changing for me and I am excited to share it with you.

Register Now! 

Fee is $80 for 4 Sessions

We will meet each Tuesday evening from

7:00 - 8:00 p.m. beginning September 10th.