
January 15 - February 7, 2020

Wed & Fri, 6:30-8am
8 classes


Yoga Kula
1700 Shattuck Ave
Berkeley, CA


Jonny Nobleza
Shunyata Yoga


Experienced Track:
Kartikeya Mandalam Prelude

With Jonny Nobleza

This advanced form consists of demanding stance and waist work, removes marma from the chest and shoulders, and prepares the body for the primary seated asanas.

Prerequisite: It is highly recommended that you have been working with the balakrama or chaya yoddha sanchalanam prelude consistently for at least six months before taking this course.

All Shadow Yoga courses require pre-registration. Consistent attendance is required.

We offer this course on a sliding-scale model of $15 - $35 per class. We encourage everyone to give according to their means.

Sliding-scale payment for Kartikeya Mandalam Prelude:
$120 - $280