
Rod Richard 





It's a crazy time to be an athlete - closures, virus, cancellations .. take control of your own destiny and change your future .. take training into your own hands with the EM App, a way to continue to progress and improve no matter what life throws at you.  No obstacle is too big, learn to be a faster, stronger and more confident athlete no matter where you are, at home, at the park, at the field - download the EM App today and get started toward a stronger and faster you. 

Serving thousands of athletes we’ve learned there’s a right way to train. An expert program, immediate feedback, and reflection are foundational to optimal performance.  You provide the spark, we’ll provide the toolkit to take you higher.  EM has the speed, agility, strength and conditioning software platform that powers you to Be your Best.

To go to places you’ve never gone, you’ll need to do things you’ve never done. Make a Commitment to being the BEST version of yourself. Stop working out. Start TRAINING. Do the work. Log the hours. Trust the process.


With EM, your coach is never more than a few clicks away. expert Videos and Instructions delivered directly through our strength training app, empower you to attack each Session.


Preparation is confidence. The best athletes have a plan. Access your training anytime, anywhere, on the iPhone or Android app. Working Max calculators provide the perfect prescription to keep you dialed-in and ready to go.

Take your training with you wherever you go, the EM App is now available for your Phone, Android, Tablet or your Computer! Now you can take advantage of the same workouts Professional Athletes in all sports use to gain a competitive advantage and prepare themselves for the high level of competition and the rigors of a long season.

Your EM App consists of programs that have been PROVEN and have stood the test of time enabling athletes to maximize their personal athletic potential, resist common injuries in their sport and shore up imbalances that could cause potential injuries.  Your EM App is available in several levels based on your needs ..

Once you register for the app, an EM coach will call or text you - and send you an email invite to the app.  When you download the app, it's time to get started!  We've got you covered.