
This online workshop is available for registration until May 2022. Upon registration, you have 30 days to complete the workshop.


This is an online event. Upon registration, you will receive an email with your unique link for the workshop. 


WeLearnPlay Admin
Center for Child Counseling, Inc.

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Feelings & Coping Curriculum 

A FREE ‘Caregiver + Kid’ Workshop

This online training is designed to help teachers, parents, and caregivers of children aged 0 - 8. You should plan to attend along with your child.

Children deal with many of the same feelings as adults. However, young children usually don't have the vocabulary to describe or talk about their feelings.

The ability to cope is not something we’re born with. Coping involves a set of emotional and practical skills our children learn through both observation and direct teaching. Without healthy coping skills, children are likely to “act out”. Children who don't know how to deal with their feelings are also more likely to turn to unhealthy coping strategies as they grow older. A child who learns how to cope when young will gain strength and confidence as he/she matures. 

This Online Workshop consists of 6 Lessons. Each lesson is +/-15 minutes. 

Your child will be able to: 

  • Identify and talk about feelings
  • Communicate effectively about feelings without using negative behaviors
  • Develop and practice coping skills 

Cost: FREE