
Wednesday, June 24, 2020 from 8:15 AM to 10:00 AM EDT
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Georgina Noriega 
Merrimack Valley SCORE 

The Startup Roadmap - Day 3 - So Many Opportunities, Where Do I Start? 

In this workshop, experienced SCORE mentors will do a deeper dive into reaching your potential customers and convincing them that they need to buy what you have to offer. 

Do I need a logo? Do I need a website?  How should I advertise?  Which social media platform should I use? What should I consider when setting my prices? What other marketing tools can I use? These are just some of the many questions that you need to consider when starting your business. 

You'll also hear from a successful small business owner who will share how they did it.

 After this session, you should  have the tools to develop a realistic plan for getting your first customer and  turning that sale into additional business. 

 WARNING: You’ll be given homework assignments to prepare for the next day’s workshops. That’s why we’re starting at 8:15, so you’ll have plenty of time to prepare for the next day.
