Health & Safety Summer Clinic

Education Summer Clinic

 Transportation Summer Clinic

July 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th

Thursday, July 9th
Thursday, July 16th
Thursday, July 23rd
Thursday, July 30th 


Transportation: 12:30 - 1:30pm

Education: 2:00  - 3:00pm

Health & Safety: 3:30-4:30pm



 Zoom links will be emailed to participants after registering.



Registration price is for the entire series. Each series includes four meetings during the month of July.  Each meeting will be held virtually via Zoom for one hour. Each meeting will be live and each particpant will also receive a video recording of the meeting. 

$100.00 per person for IHSA members only

$250 per person for non members



Michelle Iocca
Illinois Head Start Association



Sizzling Summer Clinics!

IHSA is excited to bring forward a unique summer offering of three  clinics for you and/or your staff in July. Each summer clinic will include four weekly meetings that will be held live virtually as well as on-demand (recorded for viewing or re-viewing at a later time). The goal of the summer clinics is to strengthen your skills in supporting staff and families transitioning back to Head Start during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The summer clinics will provide an open forum that will give participants the opportunity to exchange ideas, share strategies and concerns, ask questions and stay fresh by gaining new perspectives from group discussions.  


Health & Safety Summer Clinic

This summer clinic will cover health & safety considerations for Head Start /Early Head Start staff, families and children to promote safe and healthy indoor and outdoor spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic. The clinic will include discussions around new health policies, health screenings, health requirements and documentations you are implementing to ensure a safe and healthy Head Start program. The clinic will also include conversations around your health and safety practices for staff and families to include (PPE, social distancing, hand-washing, meals, etc.). We will address all important hot topics around health, hygeniene and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Education Summer Clinic

This summer clinic will cover all things related to education for Head Start /Early Head Start staff, families and children during COVID-19 pandemic.  The clinic will include rich dialogue and discussions around policy and procedural changes related to education. Discussion will also include upcoming pre-service and if these will be virtual or in-person, immediate and necessary equity and inclusion changes, classroom observations, supervision and coaching, professional development and trainings, trauma and SEL, and how education staff are planning to reconnect and rebuild after this extended time away from the children.


Transportation Summer Clinic

This summer clinic will include all things related to transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. This clinic will address bus sanitation and procedures that will make buses cleaner and more sanitized, social distancing practices on the bus, children and transportation staff using PPE such as masks or gloves on bus, conducting precautionary health screenings (temp checks, hand-washing, etc.) before children get on the bus. The session will also address the safety guidelines and updated policies and procedures you are implementing to ensure safe transportation during the pandemic.