INSIDE OUR TIME with JWT of Los Angeles 

Thursday, July 16 at 8 pm via Zoom

This  program is hosted by the Institute of Southern Jewish Life and Sponsored by the Jewish Council of North Central Florida. The Zoom link will be sent the day of the event. 


Thursday, July 16, 2020 from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT
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William Alford 
Jewish Council of North Central Florida 

The Jewish Women's Theater of Los Angeles' performances are a unifying experience, providing great entertainment and unexpected opportunities for self-reflection and connection that strengthens our humanity.   Now, in their 12th season, JWT seeks, develops and adapts stories celebrating a diverse Jewish population that can share the stage, regardless of gender, generation, degree of Jewish observance, ethnicity, cultural background, or sexual orientation.   And so they draw audiences of all ages, both women and men, mostly Jewish, but not all.

JWT's unique shows engage all kinds of writers, actors and audiences to deeply reflect on and celebrate Jewish life.  For many, it provides a new and culturally relevant way to reshape perceptions of Jews for themselves and others. For others, it connects them to their Jewish roots within a non-religious community.

So far, hundreds of stories have been presented and over 45 original Salon shows produced, including seminal ones:  Saffron & Rosewater—about the Persian Jewish immigrant, Stories From The Fringe—the trailblazing stories of women rabbis, Eden According to Eve—bible stories from a feminine perspective set in contemporary times, Chutzpah & Salsa—the Latino Jewish experience and more!