
Wednesday, August 5, 2020 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM EDT


This is an online event. 



Carrie Williams 
Hoffman Planning, Design & Construction, Inc. 

COVID-19: The Impact of Isolation and Confinement on Religious Communities

Currently in the midst of a global pandemic, we are experiencing a scary time in our world's history. And with this pandemic comes serious side effects to consider. Members of many religious communities, who have gone through months of confinement, could potentially experience a significant impact on their cognitive and emotional health.  Do you find that your community is struggling with this concern? Communities are being challenged by this issue.

Please join us for a free webinar presented by noted psychologist Sister Lynn Levo, CSJ, Ph. D. Sister Lynn will share her wealth of experience as she explores how COVID-19 may be  impacting members.