
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM CDT



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Mikayla Brohman 

ASCE YMG - Virtual TABOO Happy Hour

Join the YMG for virtual taboo August 19th at 5:00pm!


  1. One person will be the “clue giver” and will have 60 seconds to get everyone else to guess the word in red at the top of the card without using the 5 (taboo) words below it.
  2. For every word that is correctly guessed the clue giver will get 1 point.
  3. The clue giver can skip 1 card per turn, but every skip after that results in the loss of 1 point.
  4. Saying any of the words on the card results in the loss of 1 point. We’ll be using the honor system since no one will be there to make sure the taboo words aren’t said.
  5. The winner is the individual with the most points at the end of the round(s).