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Look and Sound your best on Camera 

Video is fast becoming the content of choice to showcase you, your product or your service online! And now, more often than not, YOU will need to be on camera. From online meetings to pitching your own product or service, to a testimonial...You need to look your professional best.  

I'm going to share my best tips for lighting, sound, make-up, backgrounds, scripting, much jam packed into this one hour session! 

Afraid to be on camera...don't be...I get it...but I'll share my steps to help you take a deep breath, and some baby steps to get you more comfortable.... yep, you on camera! 

The more polished and comfortable you look on camera, translates to a better connection and engagement with your fans, clients and customers. 

Learn how to create and incorporate DIY video throughout your website, on all your social media and your email.

Statistics show that viewers stay on a website longer when there is a video, emails get better open rates and social media gets better engagement. I’ll share in this webinar actionable tips and step-by-step techniques to help you look great and feel comfortable on camera. 

In fact you can create a library of video for your online marketing. Video produces results! 

Attend this free webinar and learn:  

• The importance of brand standards and consistency, from your website to social media to your video. 
• Tools and techniques for making your own videos, making them look polished and professional. 
• Information on apps that make it easy.
• Actionable steps to market your video online with email and social media. 

Roni Ramos from Harmony 3 Productions is the presenter of this workshop. 

Roni is the founder and President of Harmony 3 Productions. A tight team of creators, from photography to video and motion graphics. Harmony 3 is sweet…but with a bite…like Jalapeņo lemonade! 

 Attendees rave about her presentations where she shares tips, tools, techniques and actionable steps to use graphics and video to polish your online marketing… 

Roni is a great cheerleader to get small business excited about using the new technologies available to market their business.





Tuesday, November 17, 2020 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PST
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SCORE Orange County 