
Wednesday, November 4, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST
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Caroline Wenck 
Family Empowerment 

Autism and Law Enforcement Education Coalition Training Reschedule

Note: This webinar is a reschedule due to power outage difficulties experienced on the night of the original event.

Join the Special Needs Family Alliance, Family Empowerment, Autism Connections and MFOFC to welcome Captain Bill Cannata for a webinar for parents, caregivers and professionals. Bill is the Statewide Project Coordinator for the ALEC program. This training has an autism focus, but is also related to needs of those with intellectual disabilities.

The ALEC Program (Autism and Law Enforcement Education Coalition) helps foster a deeper understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) among public safety and law enforcement personnel.

ALEC also offers a Parent Training, to help parents, caregivers and others navigate the best options to support their family member in emergency situations. In this free online training, Captain Bill Cannata, Statewide Project Coordinator for ALEC, will teach parents and caregivers about important safety measures. You will learn about your role in emergency situations, how to inform local First Responder agencies about your loved one’s diagnosis, and other important considerations in emergency and safety situations.

This will be a Zoom meeting and registration is required. When you register, you will have an opportunity to submit questions for the presenter. You will also be able to ask questions via the chat feature during the Zoom meeting. The conversation will be recorded to send to participants after the meeting.

Read, share of download the flyer here: https://files.constantcontact.com/2cce95d1401/cc84c50e-480c-437e-88a7-2aa37f3df38b.pdf
Share the event registration link here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=cg8tvoqab&oeidk=a07ehdg1a6b8747c12b