
Saturday, December 5, 2020
10 - 11 a.m. (session 1)
1 - 2 p.m. (session 2)


This is an online event. 



Duke Energy nuclear education 
Duke Energy nuclear education is hosting a holiday event filled with cheer for the entire family!

Join us for some holiday fun mixed with a hint of science as we make atom and snowflake ornaments out of Borax. Then, challenge your friends and family to see who can make the tallest tree using only toothpicks and gum drops! 

Finally, the event wraps up with a very special guests reading a holiday classic. So grab some hot chocolate or your favorite holiday treat and join us on Saturday, Dec. 5. 

Note: We've set aside two separate times for you to join us. Simply choose the best time that works for you when registering. 

We encourage participants to make the ornaments with us live. We'll email everyone a materials list a few days before the event.