
SCORE East Bay 


Tuesday, January 19, 2021 from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM PST
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This is an online event. 

This workshop will be conducted online only, via Zoom. Registered participants will receive an invitation to the Zoom meeting 3 days prior to the event. Please respond to the invitation to confirm your attendance. The invitation will include a link that you should click to join the workshop.

Agile Productivity - What It Can Do For Your Businesss (Online)

SCORE Counselor - Deb Smith-Hemphill

Workshop List Price $40  Discounted Price $15

 Your time is a precious resource and as a business owner, if you are not productive the business and your personal life suffer. How can you step into high levels of focused productivity when there are 300 emails and distractions from every angle?

Are you always chasing after the newest software or app to help you but never quite achieve that mastery? It’s all about decisions, behaviors and tools. How much more could you achieve if you learned how to make the right decisions, master the behaviors and tools to maximize your results?

By the end of this highly-interactive workshop you will be able to:

  • Recognize distractions and snap back into productive flow immediately.
  • Clean out your email inbox once and for all - and keep it that way.
  • Clear your mind in 2 minutes or less
  • Quickly plan your week and daily roadmap to boost your throughput for the day.
  • Choose the right tools to enhance your productivity so the tool works for you, not you for it.
  • Understand why decisions, behaviors, and tools are important and how they can help you.

Led by SCORE Counselor - Deb Smith-Hemphill.

 Deb Smith-HemphillDeb Smith-Hemphill, Ph. D. - After earning Master’s and Doctoral degrees at Columbia University, Deb spent eight years at AT&T in management slots around the USA, most recently as General Manager, Small Business Systems, Pacific Rim.

 She formed DSH Enterprises a consulting practice near San Francisco, specializing in training/coaching for management and organizational skills. In 1995, her practice expanded to include a specialty in executive readiness. Clients include but are not limited to industries related to communications, retail, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, government, aerospace, internet commerce, law, construction, tech, and higher education.