
Sunday, January 10, 2021 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM CST
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SFUMC - Youth Area 
6530 Spanish Fort Blvd.
West Campus
Spanish Fort, AL 36527

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Rebecca Rutherford 
Spanish Fort United Methodist Church 

Confirmation Registration - 2021 

We would love to have you and your youth join us for a Confirmation orientation meeting on Sunday, January 10th at 3:00 p.m. in the youth area of the West Campus (by Walgreens). This meeting is for parents and youth to learn more about Confirmation at Spanish Fort UMC. All youth 6th grade and up (who have not previously gone through Confirmation) are invited to participate.

Confirmation is the process by which we teach the beliefs of the Christian faith, especially those that are distinctive to the United Methodist Church. This experience is designed to equip youth to make steps forward in their faith and prepare them for membership in the church.

If you have not already registered, your child for confirmation, please click the link below to do so before January 10th. We are in the process of recruiting mentors for small groups and need to have a good head count. We also will be ordering Bibles and creating binders for the students. Please fill out the information form attached and bring it with you to the orientation. You will receive a calendar and a covenant to sign at the meeting, as well.  Thank you for making every effort to be there.  If for some reason you cannot, please let me know.

We will begin classes the week immediately following the orientation on January 17th at 3 p.m. If you have any questions, you can contact us at rebecca@spanishfortumc.org or Brittney Liebbe, Director of Youth Ministries at brittney@spanishfortumc.org . You can also call the church office at 626-1334.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Rebecca Rutherford, Associate Pastor

Brittney Liebbe, Youth Director