Maryland Community of Practice for Supporting Families Webinar Series 


Online Event 


Wednesdays: noon - 1 p.m. Feb 10
Mar 10, 24
Apr 7, 21

The Trajectory and the Integrated Star will be provided to all attendees.Attendees are encouraged to think about thier lives as we move through the discussion and begin to fill in both tools.There will be plenty of time for questions toward the end of the webinar.


The Trajectory

The Integrated Star

Please join the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) and the Marlyand Community of Practice for Supporting Families for its webinar on Wednesday, Feb. 10 at Noon, "Person Centered Planning: The Challenges and Gifts of COVID-19."

Join Mary Anne Kane Breschi, Parent and DDA's Director of Family Supports, and her guests Brianna Roseboro, Self-Advocate; and Paulette Roseboro, Parent, Support Broker and Family Advocate for an honest and inspiring discussion about the challenges both have faced and the gifts they've discovered during this pandemic. Learn how Paulette and Brianna have used Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC) - the Trajectory and the Integrated Star - to create their visions for 2021 and identify the resources, supports and services they need to live their "Good Lives."
We hope you'll join us!

Register Now!

Once registered, you will receive a "link to join" for all the sessions, one day and one hour prior to each date.  We hope you will join us.

This is an ongoing, bi-weekly series until otherwise indicated. You will receive a link to join one day prior, and one hour prior to the webinar. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, Feb. 10. 


Developmental Disabilities Administration
Maryland Department of Health