
Wednesday, May 12, 2021 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM CDT
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Bill Grosskopf 
SCORE Austin, Chapter 249 

Launch Your Social Media: Facebook & Instagram

Do you need simple steps to have your business succeed on social media? This class is perfect for start-ups, entrepreneurs, and nonprofits. Leave this workshop empowered with the knowledge and skill set to post confidently to your audience. Using Jenn's Audience Engagement Method™, you will deliver a message to your prospective clients and customers clearly, concisely and that converts them into raving fans.
Topics covered:

  • Social Set-Up
  • Content Per Platform: FB & Instagram
  • Audience Engagement Method ™
  • Content Planning
  • Hashtag Development



     Speaker: Jenn Denham

Jenn, the Chief Technology Officer at Socialight, has over 12 years in the ever-changing marketing industry with extensive knowledge in social media, branding, and analytics tracking. She designs effective marketing strategies for small business owners, start-ups and non-profits to bring their business into the social spotlight.

Jenn Denham
(619) 806-1109