
Thursday, April 29, 2021 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM EDT

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Elaine Piraneo


About NAWBO Connects 

NAWBO Connects provides business education and networking for members and non-members that live and/or work around the Greater Charlotte area. Regardless of whether you attend the NAWBO Signature monthly meetings, and no matter where you’re located, you're always welcome to join NAWBO Connects!


Connects Speaker Series - Special Event

Activate Your Heart’s Intelligence:

How Practicing HeartMath® Techniques Can Help You

Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Overwhelm

Thursday, April 29th @ 6:30pm

Purpose Statement:

Learn how the harmony between your heart and your brain allows us to generate regenerative emotions such as love and gratitude and how this can significantly help increase our resilience as we continue to work through these stressful times.

Description of Activities:

HeartMath® is a series of energy management skills that increase the ability to self-regulate and sustain composure and balance.  It is a system of science-based, coherence-building skills with their heart’s intuitive guidance and steps to fulfillment of becoming who we truly are.

You’ll learn strategies to build your resilience and boost your ability to “take charge” of yourself by better regulating your energy throughout the day, a key in building and sustaining your resilience. 


  • Stop stress, anxiety and overwhelm from negatively impacting you
  • Implement new skills that will make you calmer, more engaged, focused and objective
  • Learn to self-regulate your emotions and internal energy battery
  • Replace brain fog with clarity and focus
  • Improve overall well-being