
Friday, June 4, 2021 from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM CDT
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Bill Grosskopf 
SCORE Austin, Chapter 249 

Grow Your E-commerce Business Using Behavior Analytics

If you are involved in an e-commerce business determining how best to reach your customer is important. Learning the tools to analyze behaviors will be helpful to any business relies on getting their customers online.

 Mo will cover:
Quantitative Tools (including Google Analytics)
Qualitative Tools
Session Replay Tools
Heatmap Tools
A/B Testing Tools

Ideal attendees are business owners and executives who will get a sense of what else is possible and potentially bridging the gap in current processes.


     Speaker: Mo Hossain

Mo Hossain is a Workshop Presenter volunteer for SCORE and an expert in Business Data Analytics and Website Optimization. Mo worked in NYC and London with international companies for several years, where he helped major retailers, media and technology companies make sure their customers were having a great user experience. After working as a Sales Engineer, Solutions Consultant, Software Developer and DevOps Engineer, he decided to open up his own business, Data Up, to help small and medium size businesses understand their data and create a better online experience so their customers keep coming back.