
NHPP Membership Application 2022 to 2023 



Nordonia Hills Preschool Parents 

2022-23 Membership - Nordonia Hills Preschool Parents (NHPP) 

Who We Are?

NHPP is an organization providing recreational and educational opportunities for families with children under six years of age. Since our inception in 1975 we have gathered regularly for monthly meetings, field trips, holiday parties, picnics, adult socials and playgroups. As we like to say, we’ve been helping parents survive the preschool years for over 40 years!

Why Join Nordonia Hills Preschool Parents?

  • Meet other parents in the area with children the same age as your children.
  • Watch your children develop their first peer friendships.
  • Learn about child-friendly activities in the area.
  • Mingle with the community.
  • Take a break from cooking and enjoy family meals at our parties.
  • Make money from selling at the yearly consignment sale. (Sale is pending based on membership levels and support.)
  • Socialize with other parents at our monthly Book Club.
  • Enjoy adult-only outings with other parents.
  • Connect with the community at our monthly meetings.
  • Contribute to the community by participating in community service initiatives.
  • Learn from our guest speakers at our meetings.
  • Research preschools for your children at our Preschool Information Night.
  • Save on exciting local field trips.


Annual dues are $30 per family. Dues must be paid prior to participating in any NHPP activity or field trip.

Where does the money go? 

  • Technology used to run the group. (Email marketing platform, calendar for registering for events, and credit card processing.)
  • Insurance
  • Membership Drive (Activities, food, space rentals, etc.)
  • Fall Party at Patteron's Farm (Barn rental, food, activities)
  • Winter Party (Space rental, food, activities)
  • Spring Party (Space rental, food, activities)
  • Meals for members who welcome a new baby or experience hardship.
  • Consignment Sale (Credit card fees, food for volunteers, etc.)
  • Marketing (Flyers, signs, ads, etc.)

Meetings will be held once per month during Sept-May, all meeting details will be announced prior to the first meeting. Meetings are geared toward adults, however children are always welcome. (Meeting details, including, location, time and format subject to change).  

Typical Meeting Schedule:

7:30 – 7:40 PM: Sign in and socialize with other members

7:40 – 8:00 PM: Meeting and guest speakers

8:00 PM: Meeting is adjourned.

8:10 PM: Social at a local restaurant.

Most communication happens on our private NHPP Facebook page. Additionally, a monthly e-mail will be sent out. Events, field trips, and upcoming parties will be communicated at the monthly meeting. 

  1.  NHPP maintains a Facebook page and a group management page at constantcontact.com to maintain an event calendar, to communicate, rsvp and process payment when required for activities and events.  
  2.  Mass e-mails to the entire organization will be distributed only as needed between meetings. Any communication requested for inclusion in an email should be sent to the President and VP of Communications (PresidentNHPP@gmail.com and VPCommunicationsNHPP@gmail.com) at least 3 days prior to the necessary distribution date.  

Our new year starts at the membership kick-off drive! This is your chance to mingle with past NHPP members, meet new memebers, or get a feel for our community. This event is open to all families in the area who have children 6 years and younger. While the majority of families live in the Nordonia School District, our group is open to surrounding areas as well. This is a free party! It will be located at Sagamore Hills Park.

Field trips are organized activites for families. Most field trips are designed with preschool-aged children, but may include a wider range of ages. Each field trip will include details about age restrictions and will also notify you about payment if required. We strive to provide options for all families with varied times. If you want a specific field trip and time, please let us know and we'll do our best to accomodate. 


  1.  Field trips are only for paid members, their spouses, children, and grandparents and caregivers. 
  2.  Sign ups for field trips will be available through Constant Contact: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/calendar/monthview?eso=001So8tFfZxkIn6Gv7KgQ0N5g%3D%3D&llr=66aiyzwab
  3.  Registration and payment (if necessary) must be made in advance.
  4.  When attending field trips, please arrive a few minutes early to check in. If, at the last minute, you are unable to attend a field trip, please call/text or msg the field trip coordinator so we are not waiting for your arrival.  
  5.  Each member accepts full responsibility for his or her children during the field trip.
  6.  There are no refunds given for cancellations on a scheduled trip.

Parties are get-togethers for the whole family and opportunities to meet and mingle with other families in the area. Historically, the Fall Party is located at Patteron's Farm where families can enjoy the playgrounds and other activites that are setup for Fall. The winter and spring party are TBD. There will be a nominal fee to attend the party.

  1.  Fall, Winter & Spring Parties are for paid members, their spouses, children, and grandparents, unless specific exceptions are made. There are no refunds.

Our group brings sunshine in the form of a meal to families welcoming new babies or experiencing hardship. 

Our group runs a yearly consignment sale which is our main fundraiser. The sale has been on hiatus the past couple years due to the pandemic, but we are hopeful to run a sale this year! Members and alumni are invited to sell their gently used baby clothers, toddler clothers, baby gear, maternity clothes, car seats, strollers, etc. Participants can earn money for selling their stuff and help NHPP financially as well! Selling in the sale is not required; however, all NHPP members/alumni with children under 6 years old must work the event. If there is a scheduling conflict, we ask that you help with tagging, promotion, or making a monetary contribution to NHPP. We kindly ask that you participate in the event if you are able, and if you cannot you must reach out to the committee chair to notify them of how you would like to contribute to the sale.


  1.  Our annual fundraiser is the Everything Kids and Baby consignment sale.
  2.  Members may choose to sell their baby/children items (clothes, furniture, toys, etc.) at this annual sale. A small percentage of your sales will be collected for NHPP to help with operating costs and budget.
  3.  All members are required to participate in the consignment sale in some form, or pay a fee equal to the cost of an annual membership. Contact a board member with any questions.


  1.  All members must volunteer to be on at least one committee.  
  2.  Sign up for a committee via Sign Up Genius (link will be provided via registration confirmation email).
  3.  Announcements will be made at monthly meetings regarding committees that are looking for members.  Members may refer to the list of committees on Sign Up Genius at any time.

Preview Committee Openings: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4EAAA82EA31-202223

Committee Details

In addition to working a 3 hour shift at the Spring Consignment sale, members of NHPP are required to serve on a committee. Serving on a committee is an important piece in keeping our organization running smoothly. It is also a great way to meet new members and have fun. Below is a list of committees along with a brief description of responsibilities. 

Community Service Committee: Committee members will help collect and sort donations obtained at monthly meetings. They may also be called upon to deliver donations to a local charitable organization.

Spring Party Committee: Committee members will help plan and organize our spring party. Members may help to coordinate crafts, entertainment, raffles, set up and clean up.  

Fall Party Committee: Committee members will help plan and organize the fall party to be held on Saturday October 1st at Patterson’s. Duties may include set up, check in, clean up and putting together goody bags. 

Field Trip Committee: Committee members are asked to call or email potential venues to coordinate dates and times for NHPP field trips and outings. They will attend the field trip to welcome members. 

Winter Party Committee: Committee members will help plan and organize our winter party that will take place in November, December or January. Duties include helping with crafts, goody bags, entertainment, raffle, food, set up and clean up. 

Membership Committee: Committee members will help plan the August membership kick-off picnic. Duties may include helping at the check in table, coordinating entertainment, set up and clean up. 

Playgroups Committee: This committee helps to coordinate small playgroups for our membership. Committee members may be asked to lead a playgroup and assign dates and times to members. 

Publicity Committee: Committee members will help distribute publicity flyers in the community for public events including the Membership picnic, Preschool Information Night and Consignment Sale. 

Social Committee: This committee plans after meeting gatherings and other parent’s only social events.  Committee members are asked to call potential venues and coordinate dates and times for events.  

Sunshine Committee: This committee makes meals for members that have experienced a family hardship or have welcomed a new baby. Committee members are asked to make and deliver a home cooked meal. 

Consignment Sale Committee: This committee helps to coordinate our Spring Consignment Sale. Committee members may help post signs, deliver flyers, set up and clean up the day of the event.  

Register Now!