DDA Statewide Nurses Meeting


Monday, November 7, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM EST
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Alison Johnston
The Maryland Department of Health - DDA

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The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) invites the DDA agency nurses (RN CM/DNs), for a statewide nurse’s meeting on Monday November 7, 2022, 10am to 1pm. 

Diabetes Awareness: Because it Matters 

 Presenter: Kelly Birch, BSN, RN, CDCES 

For DDA RN CM DNs: This training counts for attendance at one of the two trainings required each fiscal year. If you plan to attend the webinar, you must be online during the training for at least 1 hour and be logged onto your individual computer to qualify for attendance purposes.

Please click the button below to register.

If you have any questions about the event or how to register, please feel free to reach out to Alison Johnston at alison.johnston@maryland.gov

All nursing related questions should be directed to Ramona Bradley via email at ramona.bradley@maryland.gov.

We look forward to seeing you at our event. If you have questions please contact your professional development staff.