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Monday, February 20, 2023 from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM EST
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Cheri Dowling 
American Society for Deaf Children 

Calling all Disney Princesses and Superheroes - watch movies with SignUp!

Meet Mariella Satow who has created a free Google Chrome extension called SignUp, which overlays sign language captions on movies and TV shows on Disney+ and Netflix. The app provides a pop-up window with a sign language interpreter signing the content. The extension was invented during the pandemic after Mariella began learning ASL and discovered there was nothing like it available. 

SignUp went viral overnight and is particularly helpful for young Deaf children who are not able to read closed captions, or read them fast enough, and they have been able to engage with movies properly, sometimes for the first time.

Created in collaboration with, and welcomed by the Deaf community, SignUp is used by Deaf children and by hearing parents learning American Sign Language.  It is also used as an educational tool in classrooms in schools for the Deaf and in interpreter teaching programs.  SignUp gives media accessibility to entertainment for our community which is often poorly served by big media.  Originally funded with money made from dog walking, meet Mariella and hear her story and find out how you can use SignUp for your next inclusive movie night!

Day: Monday, February 20, 2023
Time: 8:00 - 9:30 PM (Eastern time)
Teacher: Mariella Satow
Platform: Zoom (See sidebar for more info)
Cost: $20*

*ASDC members, Save $10 by using your personal discount code.  
Email for your personal discount code.
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