
Monday, July 10, 2023 at 5:30 PM EDT
Friday, July 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM EDT

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Meadowbrook HS Mon-Th ; Ironbridge Campus Friday 



For more information call the church office. 
First Baptist Church of South Richmond 
JULY 10-14, 2023
Theme: Created. Designed. Empowered
 "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  Eph. 2:10 [ESV]
5:30pm - Dinner
6:30pm - Classes


Who Does God Say You Are?  This study will guide children and youth to know and better understand their identity in Christ based on Ephesians 2:10. Video clippings from the movie Overcomer will be used as a visual along with the appropriate age group teaching booklets. (Children, Youth, Teens)

Toddlers - Ages 2-3

Preschool - Ages 4-5

Primary - Ages 6-8

Juniors - Ages 9-10

Juniors - Ages 11-12

Teens - Ages 13-16

Teens - Ages 17-19

Adult Class Information

Who Am I? - You will discover just how amazing your life in Christ is meant to be as you learn and understand who you are in Christ.  God says that you can become the person you want to be in Christ Jesus. (Adults 20 and older)

Kingdom Men: Overcomers in Christ - A Kingdom Minded Man knows that he must embrace and understand where to fit into God's Kingdom plan. Gain more wisdom and insight in developing the spiritual man inside of you according to Ephesians 2:16.

Women: Contemporary Conversations - Despite the vast cultural and time gap that exists between biblical heroines and modern-day woman, the same issues with which women had to grapple in biblical times still confront women today.  Join in the conversation to discuss these black heroines of the Bible as we share contemporary conversations to witness and experience their fascinating biblical stories in relation to our lives today.

Following His Plan - Has God placed a dream inside of you? Then learn skills that will guide you to be a winner.  Learn entrepreneurial, money management, and business strategies to embrace your capabilities.  Come along this journey with other Young Adults seeking the same. (Young Adults 20-40)

What You Do Best In The Body Of Christ - Spiritual gifts are meant to help you walk in the will of God and serve the people around you.  Learn where they come from and tips to help you use yours.  God created you in Christ Jesus to do good works using your spiritual-given gifts.

A Healthier You! - It is important that believers develop a plan to balance their mind, body & spirit.  A variety of healthcare professionals will show you how to become empowered so you can lead a healthy, more meaningful life emotionally, physically and spiritually.  Light exercise included with this class.  Dress comfortably!