
Sunday, March 3, 2024
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM PT

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Sunrise Center 
645 Tamalpais Drive
Suite A
Corte Madera, CA 94925

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Sunrise Center 
Sunrise Center 
415 924 7824 

Rescheduled TBA
The Work That Reconnects – Workshop
with Constance Washburn



“The Work That Reconnects arises in direct response to the ecological, social, and economic crises of our time.  It helps people understand and meet these challenges with clear eyes and open hearts, without letting emotional overwhelm induce psychic numbing, panic, or scapegoating.”      
-- Joanna Macy

This interactive workshop will be medicine for your soul.  If you are actively working for a just and livable world the Work That Reconnects will help you find inspiration, connection and support.

The Workshop with Introduce The Spiral of the Work That Reconnects 

The Spiral of the Work moves through Gratitude, Honoring Our Pain for the World, Seeing with New / Ancient Eyes, and Going Forth. 


This progression allows us to open our hearts by touching into gratitude. Then in feeling our grief for the world we discover our love. Stepping into fear we find our courage. Owning our rage awakens our passion for justice. And our despair or not knowing can allow us to open to seeing with New/Ancient Eyes the greater wisdom all around us. We find new ways of working for the healing of the earth.  We then go forth with plans for building a sustainable living culture. 

You will learn of the aims of  Work

The central purpose of Work That Reconnect workshops and webinars is to bring us into new relationships with our world. It motivates and empowers each of us to take part in the Great Turning, to reclaim our lives and our planet from the rule of greed, hatred, and ignorance and to build resilience as well as community in the face of the current crises of our time. 

Understand the 3 Revised Stories of our Time Adapted from Coming Back to Life by Molly Brown and Joanna Macy. 

A story is the lens by which a group interprets and controls its experience. The Work That Reconnects recognizes three stories commonly held in the industrialized world today:

Business as Usual is the story of the Industrial Growth Society, and the European-based colonial empires from which it emerged.  It is the dominant enforcing mechanism of the corporate financial military industrial complex. The central plot is about getting ahead and competing for profit and power by “growing the economy.” This perpetuates patriarchy and white supremacy for the profit and power of a few.  Many people caught up in the Industrial Growth Society assume this story to be the only reality. 

The Great Unraveling is the story told by scientists, journalists, and activists drawing attention to the disasters caused by Business As Usual, their accounts give evidence of the collapse of biological, ecological, economic, and social systems. The Great Unraveling may be more apparent today, because of the accelerating rate of change and technological advances in communication, but the living systems of Earth have been unraveling for generations–and under colonial expansion and rule, indigenous, brown, black, and impoverished communities have carried the weight of the unraveling for centuries.

The Great Turning is the story of the emergence of new and creative human responses, as well as a reawakening of sustainable indigenous traditions, that propels the transition from the Industrial Growth Society to a Life Sustaining Society. Our attitudes shift from exploitation to respect, from extraction to regeneration, from competition to cooperation, from oppression to liberation for all,  

The 3 Dimensions of the Great Turning.


 1. Holding Actions to resist and slow down the damage to Earth and all its beings; 

2. Building New Gaian Structures and the analysis and transformation of the socio-economic foundations of our common life;

3. Shifting Consciousness for a cognitive and moral shift to biocentric values and worldviews that affirm our human responsibility to life in all its richness and diversity and to future generations. 


Constance Washburn, MA, is an educator, community organizer and program designer. She has been practicing the Work That Reconnects since 1994. She is co-director of the International Spiral Journey, a Facilitator Development Program in the Work That Reconnects, and on the core Weavers Team of the Work That Reconnects Network. She is a founding member of the Elders Action Network and The Passageways to Elderhood Alliance (PEAL).


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Attendance is limited to 35.


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