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Tuesday, February 7, 2023 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM CST
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DuPage County Health Department 
111 N. County Farm Road
Lower Level Conference Room 1
Wheaton, IL 60187

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Michele Piver, Staff Development Specialist 
DuPage County Health Department 

Understanding Substance Use Disorders

February 7, 1:00 - 3:00

at the

DuPage County Health Department 


This training will provide an overview of substance use, including: signs and symptoms of use, the most commonly misused substances, and how treatment recommendations are made. There will also be an overview of Medication Assisted Recovery (formerly Medication Assisted Treatment) options that can be used as a support to treatment.

 $25.00 fee

2.0 CEUs: Nurses, Counselors, Social Workers

Please be prepared to follow all of our COVID-19 related protocals that are current at the time of the training. This may include:  Medical masks over nose and mouth; social distancing; etc. Please do not attend if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness on the day of the event. We appreciate your cooperation.

Payment is due 48 hours prior to the class date. 

Note: DuPage County Employees:  Please contact Michele Piver to request an invoice. or 630-221-7561. Thank you.

Register Now!Easily pay online with E-Pay! Just click on the image below. 


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click on Illinois e-Pay below