Sunrise Center Banner 2012


Sunrise Center


Thursday, October 25
7:30 to 9:30 PM

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Sunrise Center 
645 Tamalpais Drive
Suite A
Corte Madera, CA 94925

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Thursday, October 25 ~ Compassionate Communication Practice Group at Sunrise Center
Ritch Davidson and Phil Willcher

Compassionate Communication Practice, Role-Play and Facilitation
Compassionate Communication Practice, Role-Play and Facilitation

Hands Holding Heart

Are conflicts getting in the way of your access to feeling love in your most intimate relationships?
What if you could re-train your brain to perceive conflict as opportunity, to deepen the love, deepen the trust and connection?
Compassionate Communication offers us simple, practical tools for healing our hearts and rediscovering love that has been lost; as well as for more deliberately and consciously sharing our joys and celebrations! 

In this practice group, we invite you to bring an issue you would like to work with. You will have an opportunity to apply the principles of Compassionate Communication to whatever you bring and discover keys that open the doors to greater love, trust and intimacy. Or, join us even if you don't have a clear issue identified; you can gain great insights from watching how others deal with their issues.
This practice group is suitable for couples and for singles. Beginners are welcome. Beginners might also consider attending Compassionate Communication in a Nutshell for Families with Katrina Vaillancourt, Monday, June 4, 6:30 to 8 pm at Sunrise Center.


To learn more about Compassionate Commuincation (aka Nonviolent Communication), watch this video of Marshall Rosenbert, PhD, the creator of NVC. You can find more NVC instructional videos on YouTube.

Basics of NVC - Part 01 - The Purpose of Nonviolent Communication and Expressing Observations and Feelings

The Purpose of Nonviolent Communication

When:   Thursday, October 25
Time:     7:30 to 9:30 pm
Where:  Sunrise Center, 645 Tamalpais Drive, Corte Madera 94925
Cost:     $15. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Pre-Reg: Requested; not required. Letting us know in advance you'll be joining us is always appreciated and helps us to better prepare.