
Thursday November 21, 2013 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM PST
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Terry Crammer 
LA County Department of Health Services 

2013 Statewide Medical and Health Functional Exercise 

With the recent disasters nationwide including Super-storm Sandy that flooded the east coast, tornadoes in Oklahoma, and wildfires in Colorado, it is imperative that each health facility take precautions to be better prepared for the unexpected.  Super-storm Sandy left some hospitals and many health facilities in New York City without power and in the difficult situation of having to evacuate hundreds of patients, in critical and unstable conditions, including infants from the NICU.  To better prepare your facility now, please join us in the November 21, 2013 Statewide Medical and Health Functional Exercise.             

The 2013 Statewide Medical and Health Functional Exercise is a valuable opportunity to make sure that you and your health facility are prepared. This exercise will provide participants with the unique opportunity to evaluate internal response concepts, plans, and capabilities related to a surge from a food-borne illness in the local community. Furthermore, it will provide a forum to enhance your capacity to respond effectively and provide proper care to your patients in their greatest times of need. You will be able to participate in the exercise at various levels ranging from internal health facility table top exercises, to full scale exercises where you will have the opportunity to interact with government agencies and first responders. The exercise is set to take place on November 21, 2013, and will offer you a Certificate of Participation, documenting your facilities involvement and readiness to help your patients during a medical surge.

Sign up today to assist your facility to be better prepared for the unexpected!