
Thursday January 23, 2014 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM EST
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f/32 Photo 
7812 Montvue Center Way
Knoxville, TN 37919

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f32 Photo 
f/32 Photo 

Introduction to HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography with Hobe Brunson

Thursday, January 23rd at f/32 Photo - 6:30pm-8:30pm - $49 per participant

This class is designed to introduce you sufficiently to HDR (High Dynamic Range) techniques so that you will understand what it is, how it works and the range of projects where it can be useful and give you a stunning image in either a pure or artistic final result.

Hobe will be teaching the following as part of the Introduction to HDR Class:

  • The settings and options you need to know, understand, and be familiar with on your camera body.
  • The initial software needs and where to find them if you do not currently have access to them.
  • Overview of workflow from how to capture the raw image to getting the desired finished product.

This technique will not only give you artistic options, but will give you a better understanding of how your camera works and the settings you may need when you only have one shot at the shot.

What you will need for this class:

  • Your camera (preferably a DSLR or mirrorless camera, but must have manual controls and ability to shoot RAW format)
  • Your camera manual (if you can't find the actual manual, you can usually download a pdf for free)
  • Laptop, cable release, and tripod are optional, but are not necessary for this class

Provided there is enough interest, we will be following this introductory class with a more in-depth half to full day workshop involving going on a location shoot and processing the images.  More information to come on the HDR workshop!

Hobe Brunson is a local, accomplished, professional photographer who has a portfolio of work and talent that is both deep and wide. If you have been at a Bearden High School sporting event or even a UT football game, you have probably seen Hobe shooting from the sidelines.  While he loves sports, he also works quite a bit in the real estate arena as well as stylized shoots and scenic commercial work.  Hobe is passionate about photography and loves sharing it with people.  I have seen him spend 20 minutes helping other customers with their camera settings and questions just because he happened to be in the store! If you have ever admired any of the HDR images that grace the walls at f/32 Photo, more than likely, they were taken by Hobe Brunson!  So, when you take a former Marine, born salesman and storyteller, who loves what he does and ask him to teach other photographers, I guarantee you will get an entertaining and informative result!