500 W. Madison St., Suite 1150 Chicago, IL 60661 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018 from 8:45 AM to 12:00 PM 

Federal Income Taxes for your New or Existing Business

FEE $25.00

This workshop is designed to introduce the attendee to Federal tax filing requirements for businesses and to tax deductions and record keeping requirements that many businesses overlook or are unaware of.

1. Forms of business organizations and tax filings

2. Record keeping

3. Income and business expenses

4. Payroll and payroll taxes

5. Estimated tax payment requirements.

Attendees will learn about the tax implications of being in business along with gaining a basic knowledge about tax deductions for business and records required to support the deductions.

Presenter: Joel Shabsin is a retired C.P.A. who owned and operated a public accounting and tax preparation firm that specialized in small business tax, accounting and consulting issues for 42 years.  The firm served over 130 business clients each year ranging from start-ups to mature companies and over 650 individuals with their annual accounting, consulting and tax needs.

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