Wednesday, August 26, 2020  from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Driving a New Culture to Embrace the Digital Age

The aftermath of Covid-19 and the advancement of technology has taught us that we must run our organizations differently for our businesses to thrive in the digital age. Leaders must strike a balance between organizational hierarchy and cross-functional coordination. This presentation shows you how to develop your leadership to build a culture for success. You’ll learn how to accelerate change to fuel the growth of your firm and propel your personal leadership.

Workshop Description:

  1. Discuss the impact of the digital revolution on the need for a digital organizational culture.
  2. Understand how historically hierarchical structures promote efficiency but not necessarily effectiveness.
  3. Discuss the implications of this on leaders’ understanding of their values and priorities, as well as the motivation for building a digital organizational culture.
  4. Describe how focusing on what’s best for the company means you must first galvanize your leadership team around a clear purpose for building this culture.
  5. Discuss ways to mitigate cross-functional dysfunction in the pursuit of these goals, eliminating silos and turf wars.
  6. Integrate recent relevant news events that shows the power of healthy organizational culture, and the gaps that occur when there are issues (e.g. Uber, GE, Wells-Fargo).
  7. Discuss the impact of resistance on the ability to transform and organization and define how resistance is a benefit to the long-term sustainability of the program.
  8. Describe a case study to demonstrate the power of harnessing resistance, and enrolling legitimizers into the transformation program.
  9. Tie all of this together to highlight the major components of a successful transformation to a digital organizational culture and provide key takeaways for immediately applicable action.

 Learning Objectives and Outcomes:

  1. Understand how historically hierarchical structures create cross-functional dysfunction and impede the move to a digital organizational culture.
  2. Identify the personal leadership characteristics you’ll need to lead the digital organizational culture.
  3. Identify the cultural elements you’ll want to drive in your organization to promote this culture.
  4.  Learn how to move from hierarchical adherence to cross-functional collaboration.

Businesses of all size must be prepared for the digital culture – it’s already here! This has become especially critical now that we are emerging from COVID-19. We absolutely need to be more nimble as leaders, and create a culture where our teams excel in innovation and customer service – with the end goal to improve our own leadership as well as our firm’s profitability and market position.

Presenter: Steve Salisbury is passionate about working with executives to close the strategy-to-execution gap. For dozens of major clients, he evaluates interpersonal, organizational, and process elements to eliminate cross-functional dysfunction and builds teams to create a leadership culture to drive all types of change. While studies show that strategy execution continues to underperform, Steve has a remarkable 85 percent success rate.
From his early days helping Whirlpool with that newfangled technology called a Personal Computer to recent clients where he has helped leaders drive digital culture, Steve has been adding exceptional value to strategy execution, transformation and change projects for more than 35 years. In his groundbreaking book, “Activate: 15 Steps to Profitable Strategy Execution” Steve provides his secret sauce. The Activate approach will show you how to more effective close the strategy to execution gap and drive greater profitability faster. In the process, you will improve your leadership and add greater value to both you and your organization.