
Tuesday, December 1, 2020 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM PST
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Creating a 2021 Vision Board C0503 

   Vision boards are a visualization of where you want your life to go (both personal and professional) in the next 12-18 months. . We will create backgrounds that speak to our answers & clearly define our wildest wishes and dreams. Step by step, section by section we will create our vision boards, or journal if you wish. Manifesting your goals! They create a space and time for you to tap into the dreams you have for your future. They help in getting these general aspirations into a concrete image. They tap into the unconscious and creative parts of your brain. We often spend a lot of time creating budgets, devising marketing forecasts and making many analytical decisions each day.

   Vision boards are a means of leveraging your intuition about your offering, your customers and market needs. They are bold and limitless. Vision boards can keep you focused on the big picture throughout the year. They can help you in prioritizing important projects that will help you meet your goals versus non-critical activities. They can help you stay energized and motivated, especially when you feel overwhelmed. For partners and work teams, vision boards can help you determine the “why” of your business. They also help you see your shared vision (or highlight where there is a disconnect that needs to be worked out).

Co-Instructors Cinnamon Alvarez and Kat Shepherd

Cinnamon Alvarez is an entrepreneur, a life coach, and the author of the best-selling book Generating Your Own Happiness. As the multi-talented entrepreneur behind the artisanal lighting company A19, Cinnamon uses her design skills to create ceramic lighting fixtures that complement modern decor. Cinnamon has also founded an art gallery, run a fitness franchise, and served on a nonprofit’s board of directors. Cinnamon brings energy, vision, and the business acumen gained from two decades of business ownership to all her projects, the latest of which is a wellness enterprise that supports others in accomplishing their wildest dreams.

Kim “Kat” Shepherd is a traveler, entrepreneur, author, business, marketing, and skills trainer and for over 30 years she has worked as a business and computer professional. Mrs. Shepherd’s business, Kat's company "The Ultimate Professional Inc." provides training in digital marketing, business skills, and computer software. Also, she is an Instructor at The University of California Riverside Extension. Mrs. Shepherd is a dynamic and powerful speaker that incorporates an energetic unique style to engage her audience in an array of business. Both professionals and those new to business take away something valuable when listening to her speak. Kat is able to do this by speaking from a profound place of experience in the business world. From a start-up company to a multi-million dollar enterprise, she has maneuvered through economic instability and common pitfalls in the business world and shares her experience.